Technogenesis @ Breaking Ground Festival

Dance Studies Association Annual Conference

The Fastest Steed on Earth @ The Mint Museum of Art

Call for Papers
A special issue of Dance Research Journal on Dance and Assembly. Co-edited by Thomas F. Defrantz, Jasmine Johnson, and myself. For full details click here.

The Dancer's Body as Canvas or Kinetic Sculpture
Merce Cunningham's dances often demonstrated unique approaches to dance costuming. His collaboration with Robert Rauschenberg, Summerspace (1958) layers abstract designs on the body, while Japanese fashion designer Rei Kawakubo's costumes for Scenario (1997) frame the body with bulbous sculptural forms. Discussing these works highlights costuming strategies and raises questions about the relationship between movement and clothing on and off stage. Free at the Black Mountain College Museum in Asheville, NC>

Book Release Performance @ Camp North End
Work-in-progress showing of the Land of Nod and release of Pragmatist Philosophy and Dance: Dance Research in the American South.

Book Presentation @ Duke University MFA Program
In this presentation, I share historical and ethnographic research on divine gifts that are experienced by Pentecostals during communal rituals which feature driving music, auto-affective techniques, and dissociative states. Such gifts include glossolalia or “speaking in tongues”, faith healing, snake-handling, and ecstatic movement. I discuss the beliefs that frame the believer’s understanding of such experiences—pneumatology, soteriology, and eschatology—and consider the cultural significance of the tradition in the American South. This presentation will be accompanied by exercises in auto-affective uses of voice and gesture that were developed while researching an interdisciplinary performance work that engages aspects of the tradition.

The Land of Nod Music @ Free Range Brewing
Music performance with additional performances by Jessica Lindsey, Troy Conn, John Shaughnessy, and Ghost Trees (Brent Bagwell and Seth Nanaa). http://www.freerangebrewing.com

Butoh Collaboration with Joy Davis @ FACT/SF Dance Lab

Paw Creek @ UrBANGUILD (Kyoto)
Performing with Joy Davis and Butoh Artists Du Yufang Butoh, Katsura Kan, and Bridgett Scott.

Enoch @ ADF Musician's Concert

Junk Drawer @ Goodyear Arts
A collaboration with Boston-based “The Davis Sisters”